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Should You Subscribe to Flowers?

09 Jun 2021

Well, the short answer would be - yes! Because why not? You or the person you'reΒ arranging the subscriptionΒ for will receive flowers recurringly. This keepsΒ aΒ relationship exciting as your loved one will receive a lovely surprise every month!


In fact,Β aΒ flower subscription serviceΒ is aΒ great way to bring a smile to anyone’s face! Imagine getting home late from work, tired and missing out on a date with your partner. You then enter the living room to your partner holding fresh flowers for you! Isn't that touching? And then picture this happening every month. Wouldn't you like that for yourself or for your partner? If the answer is yes, then subscribing to flowers is the way to go!

At Ana Hana Flower, you can even choose a flexible subscription plan that deliversΒ at your preferred frequency. Once a week, once a month, or other frequency, you choose it and we deliver the flowers! You can chooseΒ different types of flowersΒ like classic fresh-cut flowers of single focal floral arrangements (which means the flowers are in tune with the season!), fresh-cut roses, fresh-cut tulips, and more! Our subscription plans also help you saveπŸ˜‰

Fresh-Cut Flowers

If you're still wonderingΒ if you should subscribeΒ to flowers, think: Do youΒ want to give yourΒ loved one a surprise every now and then? Do youΒ want to not have to think about what gift to surprise yourΒ loved one with?Β Do youΒ want to notΒ forgetΒ a monthly surprise gift for your loved one? If your answer is 'yes!' to all three questions, then there you have it. Subscribe to flowers and you won't haveΒ to worry about theseΒ anymore!

If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to contact us via our website, email, Instagram (@anahanaflower) or via Whatsapp at +65 98569650. We're based in Singapore but can also deliver non-living items overseas. We also do same-day deliveries locally.

Ana Hana

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