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5 Flowers to Romance Your Partner With on Proposal Day

18 Jun 2021

If your wedding day is the biggest day of your life, then the day of proposal will be a close second. It’s the day where you take the first step towards a shared future with your partner and the day where your status change from β€˜dating’ to β€˜engaged’! Many of us plan our proposal day out in detail and make it extravagant so that it will be a memorable day for both us and our partner.

When you’re planning your proposal, there will be a checklist. What do you need when proposing? A venue? Definitely. Balloons? Maybe. Family and friends to help you lead you partner to the venue and to witness the proposal? Of course. An engagement ring? Can’t forget to bring that even if you forget to bring yourself! Oh, but there’s one more – a bouquet of flowers to make the whole event more romantic!


When we think about proposal flowers, we think of roses – red roses. They’re classics, after all. Can’t go wrong with them, can we? But for those who’re looking for other types of flowers to propose with – you’ve came to the right place!

Here, I’ve compiled a list of five flowers that are suitable for proposals! (You can also check out flower guides for other occasions at AnaHanaFlower.com.)

1.Β White Roses – Pure Love

Milk Rose

Instead of the typical red roses, why not go for white roses like the ones above? White is the colour of purity and roses are the symbol for love. Put together, white roses represent the pure love you have for your partner! White roses are also a popular choice as bridal flowers, as their colour fits the overall colour palette of weddings. Even though a proposal is not a wedding, you can always opt for white roses during your proposal and another type of flower for your wedding so that your partner will have an atypical bridal bouquet!

2.Β Red Camellias – Not Even Death Can Do Us Part

Red Camellia

As with many red flowers, red camellias symbolise love, passion and desire. Camellias are also regarded highly in both China and Japan. Native to China, camellias even have a special meaning in the country – they represent everlasting love even in death. This is due to the base of the flower and the petals not separating even when they fall, which is not commonly seen when flowers fall. The base of the flower and the petals are regarded as a couple of lovers. Hence, by gifting red camellias to your partner while proposing, not only are you promising a future together, you’re also promising them that not even death can do the two of you part.

3.Β White Gardenias – Pure and Beautiful

White Gardenia

While browsing through the different types of flowers to gain inspiration for this post, I stumbled upon gardenias – a flower type that I did not initially think of for proposals, but which beauty had me adding it into this list immediately. Like white roses, white gardenias symbolise the purity of a love and relationship and are also popular bridal flowers. Since roses are common gifts, to give your partner a little surprise, you might want to consider buying a bouquet of white gardenias as your proposal gift instead!

4.Β Red Tulips – Perfect Love

Talia Tulip

Red tulips, due to their colour, are also representations of love and desire like red camellias. The deep sensual shade of red that red tulips have also evokes a romantic atmosphere and thus makes them a loud declaration of love for your partner. With a well-known meaning of perfect love, red tulips can perfectly convey your promise of a shared future to your partner, which makes them a good choice for proposal flowers!

5.Β Pink Peonies – Eternal Love

Pink Peonies

The only entry in this list that is neither white nor red, pink peonies come in a range of different shades of pink. While the deeper, brighter pink peonies are eye-catching, I personally find the lighter, pastel shades of pink peonies prettier and more elegant. Pastel pink is also a very sweet colour, which makes pink peonies of that shade perfect for a romantic event like a proposal. Peonies also symbolise pure and noble love, with the pink variant of them going further to represent a happy marriage. Hence, by gifting pink peonies to your partner during a proposal, you’re also wishing for your love to be eternal.

With that, I hope those who are looking to have a unique proposal found inspiration for proposal flowers that are not red roses. There are many more types of flowers other than the ones I curated here which also have beautiful and romantic meanings. By researching a little about the different flowers and their language, I’m sure you’ll be able to find the perfect flower to propose with!

If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to contact us via our website, email, Instagram (@anahanaflower) or via Whatsapp at +65 98569650. We're based in Singapore but can also deliver non-living items overseas. We also do same-day deliveries locally.

Ana Hana

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